15 Apr, 2013

MPs under the spotlight

Who has the biggest influence on the success of your business? Obviously your own staff, but probably you would also say your biggest clients, your suppliers and your competitors. Would you add your local MP to that list?

MPs have the power to amend or endorse, champion or oppose, question or defend the laws and regulations that affect your business every day: Agency Worker Regulations, the Conduct Regs, the Equalities Act, National Minimum Wage legislation, VAT exemptions and much more.

Which is why we’ve organised a completely new kind of REC event which we’re calling Spotlights, because they aim to shine a light on the important questions facing your business and draw decision makers’ attention to the issues you face. Your local MP will be there to hear your concerns, answer your questions and gain a better understanding of what you need him or her to do for you when they return to Westminster.

It’s clear that Ministers have huge influence; they can call reviews, create consultations and initiate new legislation. But back bench MPs (of all parties) can wield huge influence as well. They sit on select committees, demand debates in the House of Commons and can pose probing questions about issues that are important to their constituents in debates and in writing that government departments must answer.  There are 650 MPs in total, and the more who understand recruitment and the role we play in boosting the economy and employment all the better for the future of our industry.

We’re starting in the South West, with an event for REC members in Bristol on Friday 19th April where Kerry McCarthy MP (Lab, Bristol East) and Stephen Williams MP (Lid Dem, Bristol West) are coming along to gain first hand insight on what is really happening in the local jobs market – direct from REC members.

By attending you’ll also get an update on market trends with the very latest REC data, an opportunity to discuss the big issues facing your business with me and time to network with other recruiters in your area.

At the REC we work tirelessly to ensure that MPs understand our industry. On your behalf we talk to politicians to provide information about the labour market from the front line of recruitment and real world insights about the impact of regulation. It’s how we make sure that politicians understand the vital contribution recruiters make to UK plc. With jobs and growth at the top of the agenda for politicians of all stripes we’ve decided it’s time to bring MPs and recruiters together face to face. I hope you’ll join me.

For more information about upcoming Spotlight events in your area visit the dedicated page of the REC website.

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